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How to Keep Your Car on the Road Longer

Keeping your car running makes good financial sense

AAMCO Overland Park, KS  | 05/22/2015  | Auto Repair & Maintenance

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How to Keep Your Car on the Road Longer

How to Keep Your Car on the Road Longer

Keeping your current car on the road for as long as you can makes sense for the majority of people. Vehicles are complex and expensive machines and having a new car can be great, but many people may not be able to afford the latest car from the current model year. It can make good financial sense to keep that car running.

Routine vehicle inspections are the best way to catch any problems before they start and help get the maximum life out of your existing vehicle.

Vehicle inspections include a review of all of your vehicle’s major parts and systems. There are things you may be able to inspect yourself, but it generally makes better sense to have a professional auto technician perform the inspection for your vehicle. 

Here’s a few tips to help your car pass its’ next vehicle inspection:

  • Reading your vehicle’s owner’s manual. It’s important to stay on top of all your car’s recommended routine maintenance needs. Simple things like oil changes and proper tire inflation can make a big improvement in how your car handles, as well helping it to last a long time. A good tech will perform at least a routine vehicle inspection when you come in for an oil change.
  • Being better to your vehicle can mean taking your time. Slow down your speed and stop stomping on the gas or brake pedals. This will only create additional wear on the engine and other vehicle components. Make it a habit to drive slower and easier for a better vehicle inspection.

Also, a vehicle with a healthy exterior is likely to last longer. Paint not only makes your vehicle more attractive, but helps to protect the car body from rust and sun damage. Get rid of nicks and scrapes when you can to avoid further deterioration as well.

And don’t forget your tires! Check and see the tread’s condition. Having regular tire rotations can help to extend the life of your car. Giving your tires a good once over should be a part of every vehicle inspection.

If you have any questions or are having a new issue with your vehicle, call the expert auto repair techs at AAMCO Overland Park today! 

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